Home > FAQs


Below are our articles on the subject of FAQs. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Is it Better to Cycling to Work?
Is it Better to Cycling to Work?
To help more commuters reduce CO2 emissions by ditching the car in favour of the bike, we ease some concerns by answering some frequently asked questions about the…...
The Home Office: FAQs
The Home Office: FAQs
Working from home can lead to improved efficiency and quality of life, but it is not suited to everyone. We answer some frequently asked questions about life in the…...
What is Carbon Offsetting?
What is Carbon Offsetting?
Offsetting carbon emissions is one solution to the damaging effects of climate change but for many it is a confusing option. To help understand it we present answers…...
What is Green Office Accreditation?
What is Green Office Accreditation?
Companies eager to employ good environmental practices and get official recognition for doing so should seek green accreditation. To help understand it, we answer to…...
What is 'Working Off the Grid'?
What is 'Working Off the Grid'?
No longer a preserve of hard-bitten survivalists and traditionalists, off grid living and working is becoming an increasing viable option for many - but what actually…...